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Thelma French & Associates HR advice & consulting

Travel Policy – Personal and Business

Tue June 1st 2021

With the opportunity to travel outside New Zealand and the problems some people may experience, for example with the current situation in Melbourne, it is very important that you have a travel policy. This is to ensure that all staff are aware of what will happen should they travel for personal or business reasons, but are not be able to return as expected.

Please call if you would like to discuss this further and we can customise a travel policy for you at a very reasonable price.

I want to say thank you for the incredible work you have done to bring about a resolution to the dispute I had with my employer. I know I would not have achieved this outcome if it were not for you. I want to thank you also for your kindness and care for me during this whole process. That and your abilities and judgment impressed me so greatly. I can't say how much I admire and respect you and feel blessed that I had you at my side to navigate through the whole process. I would like to tell you also that at a personal level you are the most inspirational woman I have ever met.
Manager, SME, Auckland.
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