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Thelma French & Associates HR advice & consulting


We can assist businesses with specific HR tasks or complete management of all HR processes. With an in-depth knowledge of current HR and business practices, we have a passion for developing and implementing HR structures that help to improve the culture and processes within organisations.

Employment Related Matters

How do I set up new staff induction? This along with position descriptions, recruitment, employment agreements, and trial/90 day probationary periods we can offer you advice and best practice in.

Performance Management, Systems, Processes or Issues

How do I manage poor performance? A question anyone who manages staff will look for an answer to at some point in their career. This is a crucial aspect of management which must be addressed if an employee’s performance is not meeting expectations. Managers are sometimes apprehensive about addressing issues, fearful they will do something wrong and face a personal grievance hearing. With our positive and practical manner we will coach and support them through any areas they are not confident with, ensuring the desired outcome is achieved, that they are procedurally correct and the procedure is handled in a respectful and fair manner.

Restructuring and Redundancies

Times of change can be difficult, but having someone with our level of experience, ensures the process run smoothly. Our expertise includes: strategic HR to ensure HR strategy aligns with your business objectives, practical solutions to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, and advice, support and coaching behind the scenes for management and impacted staff. We can also liaise with unions where appropriate.

Independent Investigations or Reviews

Workplace investigations require a discreet yet thorough approach. We will manage the process to ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved.

Health and Safety

We can assist with all areas of Health and Safety , and will implement practical, efficient systems that comply with the relevant legislation.

Human Resource Presentations

We are also an experienced presenters and can customise motivational presentations on Human Resources to an organisation’s specific requirements.

Recruitment Education

What do I need to know about recruitment? This is a question we regularly have clients ask us, and we can help by providing the tools and knowledge needed to Recruit and Hire well. We will ensure you or your Hiring Managers are aware of Recruitment Best Practice including Candidate Care. Once provided with these tools it will ensure a more robust hiring of new employees.

The knowledge gained will help mitigate risk of potential ER issues for yourself and the business, by ensuring you know what is required to cover off, and the due diligence process. We will provide education on the Human Rights Act, and other legal requirements it is essential to be aware of when dealing with people’s private information in a recruitment process.

I have used Thelma’s services many times over the years from both a consultative and combative point of view. The advice she gives is always robust, clear and concise, focused on outcome. Her advice has always proved to be beneficial and without any reservation she is my first port of call when it comes to HR advice and employment issues.
GM, Multi-National, Auckland
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